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  1. Top 10 Achievements for GCmobility 2019-2020

    GCmobility has been hosted this year by Shared Services Canada (SSC), Within Networks, Security and Digital Services (NSDS) Branch and part of the Workplace Technology Services - Service Evolution (WTSE) directorate. As part of our the annual review and rha-rha process, each team has been asked to highlight its achievements for …

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  2. GCmobility Impact and Failure Report 2020: Call For Submissions

    Executive Overview

    Welcome our first GCmobility Impact and Failure Report. This section provides a brief overview of the GCmobility Failure Report

    Who is the Report for?

    The Impact and Failure Report is meant to address several audiences:

    • Employees: The primary audience for this report are for employees who want to …
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