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GC Mobility Update Iteration 25


Iteration 25 of GCmobility focused on dasboarding, data and data visualization. We are also changing the way we deliver our demos. Less slides and more showing.


This post represents the update for Iteration 25 of the GCmobility project.

First off, we invite you to check out the latest Living Digital Blog post "Roaming from coast-to-coast: the life of a Free Agent". "What if I were to tell you that as a Government of Canada (GC) employee, there’s an exciting way to change the way you work? A way that lets you move around the GC faster and more often than you could ever imagine? A way to spread your wings and have more freedom in your career?"

What articles have captured your attention in the mobility space recently? reach out to us to share resources and articles you find.

After this demo please take some time to complete the GCmobility Retrospective Questionnaire after you have viewed the demo and/or checked out the resources on this page. The questionnaire asks three simple questions. What we should:

  • Continue Doing
  • Stop Doing
  • Start Doing

Your input to this questionnaire will help us evolve how we do these demos and what we cover.

Learn more about the GCMobility initiative, a joint partnership between Canada's Free Agents and Shared Services Canada.

We have recently broadened our audience for our bi-weekly iteration demos. We continue our trial using YouTube as a hosting platform for our iteration videos. As we mature the agile processes with our stakeholders we continue to invite interested stakeholders to join us live via webEx. If you are interested in joining us for future live demonstrations please reach out to us.

Non-Demonstration Items

  • GCmobility Leadership
  • [x] Secured ADM sponsor for Gcmobility September 2020
  • Update stakeholder list see:Stakeholder Metrics
  • Stakeholder Engagements
  • [ ] Engagement with Teams implementing Jarvis (PCH, ECCC)(rescheduled)
  • [x] Mobility Perspectives of Executives (CIO discussion)
    • [ ] Request to produce a GCmobility Deck for executives.
    • [ ] Idea for developing a placemat
  • [x] Remote interactive Workshop - Futures in Government
    • Interesting work by the forsight team at CRA
  • Community Participation
  • [x] Identity Management Workshop (SSC)
  • [x] HR Data Discussion with Free Agents
    • [ ] Potential effort to consolidate Free Agent projects related to HR and or HR Data into a single deck.
  • [x] Teleworking presentation by Frank Assu
    • Thanks Frank. We look forward to your next presentation (link?)
  • [x] LeanCoffeeTable and Agile - Agile Community of Enablement (ACE): Virtual Meetup

Recuring Activities This sub-section highlights the various activities that occur regularly throughout a typical iteration. They are shared here in the spirit of transparency.

  • Weekly Update for the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of Networks, Security and Digital Services (NSDS), Shared Services Canada (SSC)
  • GCMobility
    • Iteration Planning
    • Itertation Review
    • Open Office Hours (Tues and Thurs: 10-12, 1-3)
  • GCmobility Digital Upskilling Pilot
    • Planning
    • Work Sessions
  • Service Evolution Team Meeting
  • GCmobility Communications Check in
  • GCmobility Bilat with Director of Service Evolution
  • Common Desktop Operation Environment (CDOE) Working Group Meeting

Living The Pivot

A pivot is a "structured course correction designed to test a new fundamental hypothesis about the product, strategy, and engine of growth.“ (Wikipedia: Lean Startup#pivot)

Alternatively, Steve Blank defines a pivot as "changing (or even firing) the plan instead of the executive”

Recent GCmobility Pivots:

  • Tech: POC 2: 1 Phone, 1 Laptop/Tablet, 1 canonical e-mail)
  • Processes: Move Focus from onboarding to cross-boarding
  • People: Hyper Mobile Employees and Executives (rates > 30%)
  • Policies: Enterprise Architecture Supporting Mobility
  • Services: Crossboarding as an enterprise, interdepartmental, internal digital service

Demonstrable items

General Items

Site Release Update

This section hilights some updates you will find on this site since our last iteration.

New Features

Welcome back to our continuously evolving site hosted on GitLab Pages. Here are some of the latest feature changes to our site:

  • Added some new functionality through Pelican Plugins
    • pelican-toc: Adds the ability to include a Table of Contents automatically to each new article as it "generates a table of contents for pelican articles and pages, available for themes via article.toc"
  • We now manage static files such as images through the Git Large File Storage Git Extension

New Pages

Here are some of the latest static content changes (aka pages) to our site:

New Posts

Take a look through the latests blog posts to see what else is new.

Iteration Review


Check out the embeded Iteration Review video and presentation.

If you are tight on time then try these time stamped video chapters:


Demonstration video

Slide Deck

Demonstration Presentation

News and Upcoming Events

Iteration 26 Planning({filename}/posts/ March 16, 2020 Demo: March 26, 2020

Upcoming Demos March 26, 2020 April to September Schedule TBD

GC Mobility Community Meetups * March 2020 TBD (virtual venue?)

We will see you back here in 2 weeks for the next installment of our iteration reviews.

Be Mobile with GCmobility! Soyez mobile avec GCmobility!

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