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  1. The COVID-19 Pivot of 2020

    GCmobility has experienced multiple pivots since it started in April 2019. However, COVID-19 is by far the most disruptive pivot to date. While COVID-19 causes hardship to many Canadians, cases disruption to the regular work patterns for all levels of Canadian Publice Servants there might be opportunities to explore that only a situation like a pandemic can provide.

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  2. GC Mobility Update Iteration 27

    Iteration 27 of GCmobility focused on the COVID-19 pivot. The three main pivot options included putting GCmobility on hold indefinitely (pause), closing up phase 1 of GCmobility permanently (perish), pivot within the initiative or persevere and keep going with designing mobile careers. Learn why we are now moving from working on the GC network to working off the GC network.

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